Sunday 28 August 2022 – Last Sunday at Evangelical Bible Church

Since we leave for South Africa (then the U.S.) in six days, today was our last Sunday to attend Evangelical Bible Church. Pastor Deon Phillips, who is away on vacation, had asked us to share a few words with the church before we returned to Elkhart. During the time for testimonies this morning, I expressed our appreciation to the church for being our church (now our ‘church away from home’) for the past 49 years. We started attending shortly after our arrival in Swaziland when Allan was still a baby.

A few weeks ago I mentioned a Pakistani Christian that recently received his doctorate in apologetics. Pastor Sheman (sp?) spoke this morning on Ephesians 1:3 and titled his message, “heaven” bringing hope to the believer and a warning to the unbelieving. Two of his points were “battling your sin” and “encouraging holiness.” EBC has several men who can fill in and bring a good message when Pastor Deon is not available.

Last week, Thelma Pierce had invited us to join her family for Sunday dinner again this week. But with Virginia’s pain we had already decided to decline the invitation. It was probably a good thing anyway since one of her daughters was sick this morning and another was away helping her own daughter and grandchild.

Virginia has been doing better today. She did use one forearm crutch this morning at church, but not much in the house in the afternoon.