Wednesday 31 August 2022 – Getting Ready To Leave

I decided not to go to the site today and this put the finishing touches on the polar plot done last night.

For some reason, I could not make this JPG in color

Virginia did some laundry and hung it out. [Virginia’s hip joint is almost, but not quite, back to before her recent injury.] I then took Virginia to the Swazi Candle Center to do some final souvenir shopping. On the way home, we were delayed at the Matsapha traffic circle by a long caravan of big trucks carrying what looked like food and other supplies. We suspect it was for the Reed Dance Celebration preparations.

This afternoon, I did some consolidating of items in preparation for packing all our baggage on Friday. Hopefully we can get by with one less piece. We are scheduled to depart for South Africa on Saturday morning at 9am.

This evening, it is expected to get down to 42F, so we decided to build one last fire and use up all the kindling and firewood stored at our house. Tomorrow, Virginia will probably be cleaning out the ashes and cleaning the hearth. There will likely be no need for the fireplace for at least nine months.

Tomorrow I plan to spend my last day at the transmitter site.