2014/07/02 — Wednesday — Solar Panels Arrive

About noon a truck delivered the solar panels for the planned 30-kilowatt array.  The mounting posts and rails will be coming in a later load.  Here are some photos:

Jim unloads one of five boxes of solar panels.

Jim unloads one of five boxes of solar panels.

The boxes of solar panels are stored temporarily in the 'barn'.

The boxes of solar panels are stored temporarily in the ‘barn’.

Today we completed two relatively straight, but long, connections of the antenna switches.

The two sets of lines in the foreground were done today.  By the end of the day, the temporary wood stands were replaced with aluminum posts that were being made at the time this photo was taken.

The two sets of lines in the foreground were done today. By the end of the day, the temporary wood stands were replaced with aluminum posts that were being made at the time this photo was taken.