Today’s task? Complete the last long ‘straight’ connection, make the support poles and anchor these poles to the pad. The task was accomplished. Photos below, plus one of a visiting critter:
The line in the foreground is by far the longest. Although what we call a ‘straight’ run, it does make a corner. It just does not go up and over other lines. Paul is anchoring posts to the pad, Jim is silver soldering joints, and Joel is keeping Jim supplied with silver solder rods and making sure everything stays lined up straight.
By the end of the day, five supporting posts had been put under this line and had been bolted to the pad — all ready for a tropical storm coming our way.
Our visiting critter of the day — a frog, or is it a toad? For size comparison, the wood block is from a 2X4.
Will the completed switchbay be enclosed or have a roof?
I want to play with the frog!